Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cackle Fruit

egg-decal_850 "EGG CENTER OF THE NATION" was York's motto for a few years in the mid 20th Century. An enterprising historian could ferret out what led to the rapid increase in local poultry flocks, and the equally rapid decline in that facet of ag production.
A careful observer can still find farm buildings of that period designed to house large flocks of chickens, and other physical manifestations.
The other lasting reminder is in telephone book and newspaper advertisements of the period, and other "ephemera."
Kilgore Memorial Library's FLICKR account has images of a few of these. In addition to the window decal shown here, outside and inside views of an egg-shaped "community facts" brochure, mention in a 1950 Chamber of Commerce booklet, and the motto's appearance on the back cover of a local cookbook date from the "EGG CENTER OF THE NATION" era of York's history.

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