Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Missing in Action

It is a chore for people to learn new tasks especially when they don't see the purpose.
The Library's meeting rooms were busy today but that was not reflected in the Event calendar because it takes time to add listings to that schedule and few people ever look at it.
I had the pleasure of sharing snippets of Kilgore Memorial Library's online efforts (these sporadic blog posts, Facebook entries, the thrust of the library's FLICKR account, etc.) with our newest colleague.
Individually they may seem pretty diverse. But at their core, they endeavor to bring parts of the wide world to our community, and share our community with the wide world. (If anyone takes the time to look.)
The thrust of a short essay length blog post from the New York Review of Books is that libraries are valued by those that take the time to browse and explore.
Take time to visit the library, browse & be open to the unexpected. The experience can be life-changing.

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