Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Representative Government

Folks put themselves forward offering to attend to our mutual business -- we elect some and they find themselves serving as City Council members, County Commissioners, School Board members, Mayors, Governors, state and national Senators, members of the House of Representatives, etc. That's all basic civics.
One of their toughest jobs is allocating resources because even in "good times" there are always more ideas put forward than there are funds to pay for all of them. Although locally our public finances are not in such dire straits as elsewhere in the state and nation, this year's budget setting process is likely to involve a fair number of "sorry, but no" decisions.
So if you have a strong interest in seeing some project accomplished or service continue, now is the time to make your case to those who will decide.
For York and York County, Nebraska the decision makers include the members of these bodies: York County Board, York City Council, York Public Schools Board of Education, Heartland Community Schools Board of Education

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